
Mapoésie, hand-made scarves and accessories

Discover Mapoésie, a brand of scarves and bags with original patterns inspired by ethnic cultures and craftsmanship. Find contemporary and mixed forms whose designer likes to mix codes and secrets. The designer of the brand, Elsa Poux draws her inspiration from her history, indeed, trained at the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris, it is quite naturally that her love for mythology is transcribed in her fashion accessories. It offers silk, wool and cotton scarves with a strong graphic identity. The brand has chosen to have the executives print its creations. An artisanal technique by which shapes and wefts appear and are patiently composed, color after color, with each passage of the frame. Opt for this extraordinary brand.

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Mapoésie accessories

For its scarves, the Mapoésie brand uses several ancestral skills and techniques to offer you quality accessories. The brand collaborates with Indian, Malagasy, Italian and French craftsmen. It uses the technique of screen printing, a screen printing process. This technique consists of passing flat frames successively on the fabric previously covered with canvas. My poetry also uses the technique of weaving in order to obtain a warp and weft rendering. Finally, find the Jamdani weaving technique, originating in Bengal for more than 2000 years on some of its creations. Our experts have selected this brand, in order to offer you scarves with geometric shapes made by ancestral techniques. Opt for bags made by hand by artisans around the world.

The different materials used

Discover a brand that favors natural materials, each season find materials specifically woven for Ma Poésie. Each weaving technique allows you to play on the finish, the lightness, and the thickness of the scarves. The cotton used on the accessories comes from fibers of plant origin. On the other hand, silk and wool are of animal origin, the fibers come from animal hair. Natural fibers can be of plant or animal origin.